Very Special Kids Fashion Sale
Very Special Kids is holding a ONE day only Fashion Sale on Saturday 18 June at Malvern Town Hall where top brands will be on sale at up to 90% off!
When: Saturday 18 June, 9am – 3pm
Where: Malvern Town Hall, Corner High Street and Glenferrie Road MALVERN
Cost: Entry is a gold coin donation and make sure your credit card is cashed up! (see below for more notes on payment options)
Last night I was very privileged to be invited to a blogger preview event in the lead up to the Very Special Kids Fashion Sale. And while this sale might appear on the surface to be all about getting some amazing clothes (massively reduced) the purpose for the event brought tears to my eyes on more than one occasion.
Rennae Williams, a mother supported by Very Special Kids, spoke with us and shared her story of living with a child who has a life-threatening condition. It was certainly no pity party and Rennae was very keen to impart that her daughter is indeed very special and untold joy to their lives. And while this was something that was touched on a few times – it’s also very clear that being the parent of a child with a life-threatening condition is very very constant as well as incredibly physically and emotionally demanding.
Very Special Kids is Victoria’s only children’s hospice and supports over 900 Victorian families – free of charge. It’s a sad fact that many of the children supported by Very Special Kids will not reach adulthood. Part of our evening included a tour of the hospice facilities (#mindblown) and we met some wonderful characters.
It costs more than $7 million each year to operate Very Special Kids and they rely substantially on the generous support of the community. And the VSK Fashion Sale is one of many fundraiser events held, the aim for the Fashion Sale event is to raise $50K (which is a drop in the ocean when it comes to $7 mill!).
And so what can a bunch of bloggers do? Well, we can dress up, make fools of ourselves (in the classiest possible way!), smile for the camera and tell you guys to go shopping. Both the outfits I was wearing were under $120 (and that was a designer label leather jacket!) – and there were plenty of high street brands on the racks marked at $10 too!
The Very Special Kids Fashion Sale features clothing donated from top Australian and International brands on sale at up to 90% off the retail price.
All proceeds from the Very Special Kids Fashion Sale go to help Very Special Kids support families caring for children with life-threatening conditions.
- Payments can be made with cash, eftpos and all major credit cards (excluding Amex and Diners). ATMs are located close by on either Glenferrie Road or High Street
- Disabled access is provided via the main entrance to Malvern Town Hall
- Prams are certainly welcome but at peak times the aisles can become congested and a baby carrier (if appropriate) might be easier. Prams can be parked in our foyer area. Shoppers with prams are asked to be mindful of not cutting off access to clothes racks