Walhalla Gold Mine

Walhalla’s Gold Mine

Walhalla’s Gold Mine, also known as the Long Tunnel Extended Gold Mine, is still regarded as one of Victoria’s most successful mines.  Over 13 tonnes of gold was removed from this isolated little hill – and the history is fascinating.

When:  Monday – Friday 1.30pm, weekends and school holidays midday, 1.30pm and 3pm.  Tour is 45 minutes long and involves about 30 minutes of walking inside the mine.

Where:  Walhalla (click here for map)

Cost:  $19.50 adult, $15.00 child/concession, $49.50 family


You can drive right up to the entrance of the mine or you can leave your car in the centre of Walhalla and it’s a ten minute walk along the tramline walkway (and to get up to the walkway you have to climb about 50 steps – that’s a complete guess.. maybe it was 30 or maybe it was 100, there was a few – the kids and I were fine but there are a few sections without hand rails so if you’re not sure footed then maybe give this a miss).

Walhalla has a very interesting history – and this mine is the reason Walhalla came to be.  Back in the mid 1800’s a guy called Stringer walked all through the area panning for gold and it was in the creek bed in Walhalla that he got excellent results.  Gold in the creek is an indicator of “gold in them hills” and so Stringer claimed the land and by 1865 the Long Tunnel Extended Gold Mine broke ground.. it wasn’t a get rich quick scenario and there was no gold of any significance found until nearly 10 years later.  But when they did find it Walhalla changed forever.

The gold mine tour is interesting and it’s amazing to imagine the history that took place in those tunnels over 100 years ago.

The mine is pram friendly – although a little soggy underfoot in spots (so don’t wear your best shoes).

Disclaimer:  Meetoo travelled to Walhalla in July 2015 as guests of Visit Gippsland.  All views are our own.  All details were correct at time of publishing.