Yarra Bend Adventure Mini Golf
The Yarra Bend Adventure Mini Golf is an outdoor mini golf setting that is fun for all ages and abilities.
When: Monday to Saturday: 7am to 9pm (lights off at 10pm)
Sunday / Public Holidays: 7am to 7pm (lights off at 8pm)
Where: Yarra Bend Road, FAIRFIELD
Cost: child aged 4 and under $7, 5-17 years from $12, adults $18 and families from $49, for more details visit: yarrabendgolf.com/minigolf-information
Ten minutes from the city you’d be mistaken for thinking you were out in the bush when you arrive at Yarra Bend. Traffic noises are replaced by bird calls and all around is the quiet calm of the beautiful surroundings, namely the golf course.
This is a 36 hole course (you don’t have to play both 18 holes) and the 9 – 11-year-old mini reviewers were totally up for all the holes… and 2+ hours later when we completed the course they asked if we could do it again!
We went along on a brisk winter Sunday afternoon – the sun did come out and we were moving about so I didn’t really notice the cold, and the kids ditched their coats halfway in. I would say the course was comfortably busy. We didn’t have anyone right behind us until our last 2 holes – and the one time we had a slow party ahead of us we just skipped that hole and came back to it later (the beauty of being able to see the whole course at once).
The course itself had some quirky holes to make it fun – we jumped over water, went down holes, went up pipes, went down chutes and found each hole different from the last.
At the end of your round be sure to ask the guys in the ProShop what the lucky numbers are for the day… ohh we were so close to winning a Freddo frog or two!
We had a really lovely afternoon, thanks Yarra Bend for inviting us down.