Dromana 3 Drive In
On Friday and Saturday nights during winter the Dromana Drive-In has a special kids session – the films start at 6pm. Go to the movies in your PJs, have the sound as loud (or quiet) as you like, talk, wriggle, eat noisily – it’s like a private cinema but still with the thrill of the big screen.
When: Kids early session, 6pm start, Friday and Saturdays only. Click here to visit their website.
Where: 133 Nepean Hwy, Dromana. Click here for map.
Cost: Kids $10 each, for latest release films adults pay $16 (but for special event screenings like the August Disney Princesses Film Festival adults pay kids prices)
With nighttime falling early, winter is the perfect time for young movie goers to experience the drive-in.
The evening we went along to Dromana Dive In it had been raining heavily since the afternoon and we almost called our visit off – but the kids insisted we keep checking the BOM radar and about 30 minutes before curtain call the sky cleared and we were blessed with a clear night.
Drive-in regulars will have varying opinions about how to best view the movie (if you have a wagon and multiple kids one way to view the movie is with everyone in the boot and the back window facing the screen). Since it was just the kids and I we transferred the booster seats to the front seats (which the kids loved) and I sprawled across the back seat (I might be alone here, but I thought Monsters University was kinda ho hum – so being able to surf my iphone in the back seat while munching on my choc top was actually a pretty happy scenario).
When we arrived we paid at the ticket box (the cashier sits in a little office like a car park attendant used to) and were directed to our ‘field’. I think the heavy rain deterred a few people so we had plenty of choice with choosing a spot – I like being up the front and away from the Diner (less movement and light to distract) but probably if I went with kids again I wouldn’t be so fussed – being near the Diner (especially on a cold night!) and the amenities is probably not such a bad idea.
Shel’s Diner offers exactly what you would expect at a Diner (click here for the menu). I was excited to find real choc tops (home made are the best) so desert was sorted.
Ideally I wouldn’t have my kids eating hot dogs, popcorn, choc tops and drinking juice in the car in the dark – surely a recipe for disaster, but somehow we didn’t end up with any spillage… small miracle. In hindsight wipes would be a wise item to bring along (and Shel’s Diner I apologise for taking more than my fair share of napkins!).
The kids found the whole experience thrilling. They barely blinked throughout the whole movie – except when Charlie rested his foot on the steering wheel and changed the radio station accidentally (FYI the drive-in station is much softer so we all jumped out of our seats when TripleJ started blaring). Also being in the car meant I could pop over to the Diner and collect our choc tops after dinner was finished, leaving the kids locked up, (I don’t know if that is technically legal, but exercise common sense people) cosy and within eyesight.
Towards the end of the film our windscreen did start to fog up (nothing a little air-con couldn’t fix) and our car didn’t get cold – we had packed a doona but it was never used (in fact the kids didn’t even have jumpers on – but they are a bit crazy like that… I had my jumper and coat on!). Probably the main downside of the drive-in in winter is going to the toilet. It’s cold in the bathrooms and it’s cold outside – so make sure you go before the film.
For more information on the Disney Princess Movie Month of August at Dromana Drive In click here. Every week a different princess movie is featured and meet and have your photo taken with the princess and her prince at Shel’s Diner!
Price listing for the drinks is difficult to find
Haha Jim – well as you might have noticed I didn’t really comment on the diner food – other than the choc top which I really did enjoy!
Mel – if you’re worried about the cold just pack extra doonas or sleeping bags. We were toasty – but our car was warm as we’d driven from Melbourne. Yes the 6pm start is a huge bonus for little ones, we made it to into bed at a respectable hour (although bed was 10 minutes up the road not back in Melbourne that night!).
Love going to Dromana Drive In (but I think the diner is over priced and not that nice)
I was a bit hesitnt about it being too cold – but the 6pm start is a great time for our 4 and 6 year old, great review