Melbourne Now Urban Commons

Melbourne Now Urban Commons

In the cities coolest backyard (NGV International) is the Melbourne Now Urban Commons.  On Saturdays and Sundays head down and meet the crew behind the Commons and get your fingers dirty in the garden as part of the Little Foodscapers’ Club.  Everyone is welcome to take part in the Little Foodscapers’ Club and add to the garden.

When: 10.30am (to about 12.30pm) on Saturdays and Sundays until 23 March 2014

Where:  NGV International, Grollo Equiset Garden, 180 St Kilda Road SOUTHBANK

Cost: FREE


The Foodscapers’ Club is the perfect excuse to visit the gallery and head out to the garden with little ones.  It’s a very relaxed drop in activity – find one of the staff members and join in the fun.  We potted up some seedlings for the Urban Commons garden as well as some to take home – in between rolling the compost ball and taking the wheel barrow/trolley for a walk.  On a nice day this space is a very easy spot to while away the time!