Shifting Gear

Shifting Gear: design, innovation & the Australian car

It’s been about 100 years since the first mass produced cars appeared on the market in Australia.  What a fitting tribute to the automotive industry the NGV’s exhibition Shifting Gear: Design Innovation & the Australian Car provides.

When: until 12 July 2015, 10am – 5pm daily (except Mondays)

Where: The Ian Potter Centre, NGV Australia, Federation Square MELBOURNE

Cost: Adult $15 and child $7

The exhibition design used throughout Shifting Gear provides a fabulous backdrop for some exquisite cars throughout the ages.  If you are interested in cars, mechanics, engineering or colour then this exhibition is a must see.  I had to smile as we walked around the space – I have never seen so many man aged 60+ in the NGV all at once!

If you are interested in delving into the detail and history – there is plenty to read, we on the other hand just soaked in the visuals and read some of the information panels.

For more information visit: