Bits & Pieces Craft Studio
Creativity, woodwork skills, painting and a beautiful keepsake – this is a craft venue that stands out from the crowd.
When: Tuesday – Friday 10.30am – 5.30pm, Saturday 10.30am – 4pm, Sunday 11am – 4pm
Where: 532 Riversdale Road CAMBERWELL
Cost: starts from about $11
We popped into Bits & Pieces one day after school and the kids were immediately drawn to all the creations on display and the objects on offer to create. Choosing which one to make and decorate was the hardest part!
After selecting a project (they both decided on the musical owl) the kids got busy with the assembly. The instructions are fairly simple to follow – but for under 10’s an adult is definitely required to ensure things go on the right way up and not inside out. Edges were sanded, things needed to be hammered – it was the perfect amount of hands on assembly that kept both children engrossed for a good 40 minutes. Once construction was completed they both put on art smocks to get ready for the painting.
I think because they had invested so much effort in the construction phase (effort is the wrong word as it wasn’t hard work!) the painting of the owls turned out to be a very serious business. Colour mixing was considered, the display owls were consulted (but these proved to be a reference point in the end as both Immi and Charlie chose to go with their own designs) and paint was carefully applied. Typically Immi could loose herself in a craft activity quite happily for hours – Charlie not so much. However he was so considered and so serious about this project I was taken by surprise. After 1 hour and 45 minutes we were almost done – it was getting late and my parking meter was going to run out, so it was time for us to leave; I suspect if it wasn’t a school night we could have easily been there for over two hours.
I wondered if the kids might be disappointed that their owls ended up looking nothing like the owl that was on display (when it came to the paint application) – this worry was completely unfounded, they were thrilled with the end results and super proud of them. The owls both have pride of place at home and I regularly hear them being wound up and the little musical chime playing.
Angela who both set up and runs Bits & Pieces Craft Studio is delightful and if the studio isn’t too busy she’s more than happy to join in the building stage of your project if you need assistance.
As well as the drop in facility Bits & Pieces also offers an after school Art & Craft Club (which focuses on more traditional craft and art projects) as well as holiday programs and birthday parties.
We love the fact that the models are made of a sustainable material and have longevity – I can see our owls being keepsakes for a long time to come.
You can find Bits & Pieces Craft Studio on Facebook.