Faves {May 2016}
If you follow me on Instagram you may notice the occasional product (or non kid specific thing) shared in my feed. These come about via a number of ways but they all have something in common – I genuinely like/love whatever it is I am sharing. The problem with sharing on Instagram is that unless you happen to be an Instagram user and stalking my feed it’s totally possible you’ll miss it. So I decided to make a little space on my blog for random things I love. Leave a note in the comments if you want more details.
Here are a few favourite things from May 2016

Looking for rainy day inspo? Check out these gals on Instagram in my recent #FollowFriday
↖ @learnwithplayathome
↗ @thecrafttrain
↙ @childhood101
↘ @thewayheplays

The Brunswick Tea Room in Sydney Road was the venue for my Biggest Morning Tea event with Melbourne Mamma. The food was delish!

Time Travelling with a Hamster was gifted to us by Harper Collins and it was a fantastic read for both kid and parent alike.

Bulla sent us a freezer load of their Fairy Bread and Cookie Crumble range – we are not complaining!!!

Hidden under the Spring St Grocer in the city is this amazing cheese store… and I happened to stumble across it on a Instameet in the CBD for travel “gramers”

At the opening of the Essential Independents American Cinema Now at Palace Cinemas we were treated to Richard Gere’s amazing Time Out of Mind. The festival has departed Melbourne – but if you can download this on iTunes it’s worth checking out. #thefeels

ABC Classics have just released a range of kids classics – and well, I am loving them! Slowly I am converting the kids.. Charlie has been easy to sell, my tween… not so much (I’ll crack her eventually!).

MOZI invited me along to preview their new range and stock up on some goodies for my mum (pre mother’s day). Blue and white is always a winner.