Kickstart Soccer training and camps
Kickstart Soccer is a fabulous soccer program that runs weekly during the term and also offers holiday programs in-between. Kickstart caters to boys and girls as young as four and up to 13.
When: During school term on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday. Also during school holidays. Click here for times.
Where: Monday & Wednesday at Fawkner Park SOUTH YARRA and on Sunday at Orrong Romanis Reserve PRAHRAN
Cost: $100 for the term (depends on length of term) or $80 for four casual sessions. Sessions go for 1 hour & 15 minutes
Charlie has been taking part in Kickstart Soccer on and off (we like to mix up our calendar with other team sports like cricket) since he was four.
Abdul who runs the program is an absolute delight and truly passionate about getting the kids enthused about soccer – he played professionally in Morocco for 10 years and the kids are incredibly lucky to have him actively involved in the program.
Sessions are divided into skills training and then games – the games are an opportunity for the kids to try out the skills in the face-paced environment of a game, minus any crazy “soccer mom” action from the sidelines. Given there are no official teams it really ensures the games are about having some fun and honing skills.
We could take our soccer training further and join the local team – but I think this is the perfect amount of investment in a team sport for my almost seven year old. Maybe next year this mums taxi will be ready to take it up a notch (and give up my Sunday morning sleep-in), but until then we are totally loving Kickstart Soccer – and if I have my way, Charlie can do Sunday afternoon practice until he reaches the age limit!
One final note – I should point out that Charlie is an avid Aussie Rules player too. I have managed to avoid signing up for anything more than a casual kick of the footy at the park or school yard by exposing him to soccer through Kickstart. I am sure my days are numbered, as his peer group gain more influence, but I hope that he will continue on with Soccer – he’s equally happy to play both at the park, and I can see he really relishes the skills he has learnt at Kickstart Soccer.
**During winter terms Kickstart Sunday training will be moving to the indoor facilities at Orrong Park
Thanks for this. I was just looking into the Sydney program. It sounds good.