tiny & little and Meetoo: Paper Threads
This is a drop in workshop happening at the NGV International over four days. Come and create an outfit for your teddy (or favourite soft toy) and then let them strut their stuff on the red carpet.
When: 10am – 2pm Fri 23, 10am – 3pm Sat 24 & Sun 25, 10am – 2pm Mon 26 January 2015
Where: Great Hall, NGV International, 180 St Kilda Road MELBOURNE
Cost: FREE
It’s a bit tricky to review your own event – but our four tables of ten seats have been consistently full for the Friday session (and the NGV staff are suggesting the long weekend is going to be busier!). Loads of amazing costumes have been photographed and will soon be on display at www.tinyandlittle.com.
We do have eight bears that can be loaned – but I recommend you bring your own favourite softy to use so that you can show them off on the red carpet!
Hope to see you over the next few days 🙂 Oh and check out #paperthreads on Instagram to see some of the red carpet stars.
Other things to do while you’re at the NGV and the Express Yourself! NGV Summer Children’s Festival.